Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Images of Dissonance and Division

The University of Our Lady is to honor our pro-abortion President as commencement speaker.

The Harvard Aid’s Prevention Center, hardly a bastion of reactionary Catholicism, confirms Pope Benedict’s controversial statement that condoms do not prevent, but risk aggravating the AIDS epidemic, thereby igniting a worldwide liberal lament, even as our tax monies are directed by the Obama administration into the exportation of condoms and abortion. (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article5987155.ece)

Secretary of State Clinton visits Our Lady of Guadalupe; she asks who painted it; and then goes on to accept the Margaret Sanger award the next day.

Our President pushes the Employee Freedom of Choice Act which would deprive workers of the anonymity of a secret ballot in union elections, even as he moves to deprive health care providers of the right to refuse participation in abortions and edges slowly, steadily, piece-by-piece to implement the Freedom of Choice Act which will absolutely forbid ANY restrictions on the right to abort.

A current Pew Survey shows a deeper polarization in our country now than during the Presidencies of the Bushes, Clinton or Reagan. Abortion supporters proclaim the end of the Culture War but this war is more intense than ever. We have probably not been so divided on primal moral values since the Civil War.

As Catholics, we may disagree on policy issues ranging from foreign affairs to economic stimulus to immigration to tax rates; but we must stand together on the protection of innocent life and the sanctity of the family. The tragedy of 2008 was not the Obama victory, but the betrayal of Catholic values by a majority of among us.

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