Sunday, September 9, 2018

It Is All About Homosexuality

It is not hard to connect the dots:

1.  The Church sex scandal overwhelmingly (81%) involves neither pedophilia nor women but young adolescent men. It is a homosexual problem. Married and women priests have nothing to do with it.

2.  There was a surge of this activity in 1965-85 when there was an invasion of homosexual, especially actively gay, men into the priesthood. (Why I do not know.) Relatively few allegations outside of that time immediately after the sexual revolution. The good news:  we are 30 years out of the storm!

3. The compulsive obsession with young men has been prevalent in gay culture and lifestyle since the Greeks. It is part of the condition.

4.  Those gay men who came into the priesthood in that period are now in late adulthood (60s and 70s) and many are in high positions in the Church. They compose the Vatican's "lavender mafia" that protected McCarrick and provoked the Vigano testimony.

5. Pope Francis is probably not homosexual (by attraction) and certainly not gay (by lifestyle or ideology); he is ambiguous and confused as he has spoken on both sides of this polarizing issue. He is, however, zealous about his own agenda: climate change, immigrants, death penalty, and a softer and more people-pleasing Church. Therefore, he has accepted as his allies and advisors  McCarrick and his mafia comrades. He befriends the gay lobby the way we pro-lifers in the USA are partnered with the conservatives (economically, diplomatically, etc.) and social-justice Catholics align with legalized abortion, gay marriage, embryo destruction and compulsive contraception taxation.

You cannot make this stuff up:  this summer, as the McCarrick, Pennsylvania, and Vigano bombs all exploded,  our Pope had Fr. James Martin and Cardinal Farrell in Dublin proclaiming, to the Conference on the Family (!!!!!) the values of homosexuality.

The big relief from the Vigano revelation is that now we know what is happening! Now we have, if not a cure, an accurate diagnosis! At the highest levels and widely beyond Rome, our Church is in the hands of a corrupt, secretive, pedarist network which has aligned its hidden, shameful intentions with the progressive political agenda of Pope Francis.

There is not much we can do about it. It is highly unlikely that our Pope will unveil the truth, clean up the mess, or resign from the papacy. The Vatican is clammed up like the very best of the "good fellows." To their credit, a critical mass of American bishops and leaders have demanded transparency but the pontiff retains monarchical powers and is unlikely to authorize a real investigation. The civil authorities, as in Pennsylvania, will chip away at the truth.

McCarrick and his cronies remind me of the 85-year-old mafia boss, feeble and senile and sickly, who is given a 50-year prison sentence and pleads "Your honor:  I will never make it!" and is reassured by the judge "Just do your best!" This cadre of cardinals are now old and in decline. They have done immense damage to victims and to the entire Church. But they are pathetic: secretive, sterile, and depleted of virility, generosity, fruitfulness, and hope.

On our part, we are to wait, pray, hope, suffer, and do the good that is offered to us. A wise young man, when I had confided a tormenting situation, once told me: "Some things must be suffered." This curia and this pontificate must be suffered...patiently, peacefully, hopefully. This is all about the weeds and the wheat!

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