Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Hysteria of the Left

The defining crisis of our age is the failure of masculinity as: paternity, quiet strength, commitment and fidelity, courage, chastity and protection. The disordered male psyche moves in two opposite directions: violence, rage, lust, egotism, assault or weakness, indecision, discouragement and impotence. You end up with Donald Trump or Woody Allen! The understandable feminine reaction is anxiety, hysteria, and suspicion of men.

The "Me-Too Movement" is, on the whole, a just and reasoned response to men as aggressors. But the liberal response to the Kavanaugh hearings is something else:  hysteria!

Hysteria (a recklessly non-PC-term) is the tendency of the feminine psyche in its essential openness, receptivity, and vulnerability (to invasion or hostile penetration), to a pervasive, internal, diffuse and profound anxiety. Undefined, crippling anxiety is the consequence of a woman being father, husband, etc...and therefore vulnerable to assault.

For example, in my line of work, (boarding home) I cannot mention the b-word to most women ("b-d b-g") because it immediately elicits spasms of hysteria; by contrast, the male response is to crush, exterminate, and annihilate because of the underlying anatomical structure of protrusion, extension, donation. Men are, of course, capable of anxiety and women of aggression but fundamentally they differ in their psychic dynamics.

And so we see that the left's response to the new justice is entirely disordered and reflective of a deeper, primal suspicion of virility itself. We know that the Supreme Court is all about the right to a legal abortion. The "right to chose" is itself rooted in distrust of men: the anxious conviction that the father (of the child, of the mother) will not provide for mother-with-child but having violated the woman will abandon her and the new life.

I challenge anyone to find another accomplished man who equals Brett Kavanaugh in his tenderness and reverence for his mother, wife, daughters, basketball players, clerks, woman friends and co-workers! He is a paragon of masculine virtue in regard to women...except for the alleged assault.

Unfortunately, the hysteria of the left is fueled by the opposite pathology: our President's infantile machismo, bravado, bullying, egotism, and crudeness. We have the worst of both worlds: a caricature of vile, belligerent, narcissistic, dysfunctional masculinity; and anxious, frightened, irrational femininity at the other end.

The narrative presented by the accuser, Dr. Ford, is (to my mind) entirely probable as an event, not of deliberate sexual assault, but of intoxicated, immature male stupidity and insensitivity: some kind of crude, mindless and heartless prank or horseplay. It is typical of the adolescent male propensity for idiotic, aggressive discharge of libido, anxiety and hormonal energy. Unknown to the aggressors, the attack had a grave and lasting impact on the sensitive, fragile 15-year-old girl. The incident is iconic of male crudeness and female sensitivity! It is a tragedy about which the assailant had and has no clue! Somehow, I suspect that if anyone understood the entire Drama it was his wife Ashley, sitting behind him during the hearing...sad, somber, pensive. It was Ashley who prayed with their daughter for Dr. Ford. It is probably Ashley...almost a modern Pieta...who understands the real suffering of the victim even as she loves the assailant precisely in his own masculine weakness.

For me, the real take-away is not political but moral-spiritual: we men have failed our women...violated them in our lust, selfishness, our rage and our impotence, infidelity, and cowardice. We men desperately need to admit our sins against women, repent, seek God's grace and mercy, support each other in our tender care and reverence for our women!

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