1. A falsehood. It is not true. Sure there are white racists. But systematic white racism..current,deliberate, planned, observable, empirical...is NOT what keeps the black underclass oppressed.
2. A slander of and a scapegoating of the police, who risk their lives to protect the rest of us. Sure there are bad actors; there are systematic problems with union power, accountability and the "code of blue." On the whole it is an honorable, and often heroic profession. They are unjustly broadly, viciously slandered.
3. A slander against the white population. It is an inverse racism: stereotyping whites as racist. It is an obsession with a "black-white" polarity in a world becoming beautifully and colorfully inter-and-multi-ethnic..
4. A purification ritual, a virtue-signalling, by affluent elites, afflicted with unacknowledged guilt over their privilege in a world of poverty and their indulgence in sexual liberation, who proclaim their moral superiority with "hate does not live here" signs on their sequestered, manicured, lily-white lawns.
5. A well-intended, indeed compassionate, but sentimental and misguided, response to the persistent suffering of the black underclass.
6. A distraction from the real causes of black oppression, particularly the Culture of Poverty, the disastrous, complex, dense network of dynamics that is itself color-blind, afflicting peoples of all races.
7. A distraction from the primary cause of all American poverty: absence of the father and strong men, male infidelity and promiscuity, sexual license.
8. An intensification of that very root cause as it demonizes the police, a quintessential masculine figure of protection and strength. The mission statement of Black Lives Matters explicitly excludes fathers and males and the entire movement marginalizes and slanders masculinity.
9. A castration of black men as they are portrayed as powerless victims of stronger, hostile white forces.
10. A proclamation of black powerlessness and dependency upon the stronger, white power structure.
11. A soft, amorphous Marxism that is hostile to the current capitalist order but proposes no coherent alternative.
12. An articulation of the very Cultural Liberalism that has decimated the black poor: sexual freedom, deconstruction of gender, genocide against the unborn.
13. A polarization of society: a spirit of indignation and resentment; a propensity to violence; a further alienation of poor whites, the Trump base, who should be the very allies of their brother-sister-in-poverty blacks and browns and all colors.
14. An movement towards violence. Surely we distinguish between peaceful protests and violent riots, but the anger and indignation of the broader movement have allowed the outbreak of violence. Note the passivity and impotence of liberal urban mayors.
15. It is a slander of the Civil Rights Movement. That was a tremendous historical accomplishment: primarily a credit to the resilience, moral fortitude, wisdom and perseverance of the black people themselves.Secondly, that victorious moral-political movement was a testament to the widespread acceptance by virtually all arenas of white society: religious, educational, athletic, legal, and industrial. By the 1970 long-lasting (real) structures of white racism were replaced by fierce and effective systems of anti-white-racism. Anti-racism prevailed at all respected levels of society and itself became something of a religion.
Black Lives Matters is everything the Civil Rights Movement was not; it is a moral inversion, the evil twin brother. It is resentful, not generous; polarizing, not uniting; destructive of memory and tradition, not grateful; envious, not magnanimous; violent, not peacemaking.Black Lives Matter is a rotten tree with poisonous fruit.
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