Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Synodality: a Bad Idea

"Synodality" is not an idea, it is not even a word The Vatican has declined to define it. Correctly, because there is no form, no logos, no shape, no integrity, no purpose to the thing. It is a Heraclitian explosion into fluidity as an escape from what is viewed as a Paramendian entrapment in ecclesial rigidity.

It is a construct of the active imagination of Pope Francis. It is a "process" of dialogue, accompaniment, openess to the other, the marginalized, the oppositional. These dynamics are all integral to a wise, virtuous life. But detached from tradition, doctrine, stabilty and form they become confused, aimless, futile and destructive.

The "process" seems to be a passive-aggressive expression of the regressive-infantile impulse of our Pope to "make a mess." It is coherent with his aversion to doctrine, clericalism, form, expressive piety, boundaries and clarity/consistency of thought.

It is a revival of the "Spirit of Vatican II" which dismissed the actual documents of that inspired Council in favor a Dionysian infatuation with novelty, endless openness, and destruction of the old.

I expect that the Holy Spirit will avoid the entire thing. And we do well to do the same.

The Holy Spirit likes to visit humble, anonymous, hidden souls to impart a charism and mission that is clear, powerful, certain, fruitful. Such folk are among us but they will not be flocking to the "synodal process." We do well to seek and associate with such.

Who will be given over to synodality? Activists, social engineers, careerists, bureaucrats. It is not a good group. In his heyday, McCarrick would have been the point guard. Stay away from them.

Best case scenario: it will be a collosal waste of time, energy, and paper. It will produce a vague, innocuous document that will be ignored by everyone. Think the Amazon Synod or so many of our own episcopal documents.

Worst case scenario: it will produce a Babel of chaotic, competing voices, with one national synod contradicting another. Think Germany and Poland. Our Catholic unity, always preserved by a strong papacy, will be underminded by a Pope who deliberately weakens the office, unconsciously,trying to destroy what he despises in Catholicism as given.

A priest-professor who teaches Church history reminded me that actual, historical synods were called in chaos, confusion, and conflict not for openness and novelty, but for decisiveness, clarity and certainty. And so, eventually, post-Francis, this "process" may inexorably lead to a real Synod, inspired by the Holy Spirit, to determine the truth with decisiveness, authority and infallibility. That is my kind of Synod!

"Synodality" is the polar opposite of the clarity, certainty, form and definitiveness of a real Synod. Synodality is a bad idea! Strike that: it is not an idea. It is a bad process...passive-agressive, infantile-regressive, futile, sterile,confused and confusing, polarizing and destructive.Stay away from it!

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