Sunday, May 1, 2022

Why Didn't the Disciples Recognize Jesus in His Resurrection Appearances?

 Great question! Well we really don't know. Neither Scripture nor the Church tells us. Clearly this is the kind of thing we are meant to ponder and puzzle over, open to insights from the Holy Spirit.

In this kind of a non-recognition, there may be a blockage by the disciples and/or a masking by our Lord. It is likely both. Several themes, however, spring out of the texts.

- Grief, sorrow, disappointment are all  very deep. The crucifixion was traumatizing; the disciples and women are all in emotional chaos. In a state of shock, they were incapable of "emotional or spiritual availability." Jesus would have understood that and, patiently and gently, gave them some time and space to process their grief.

-Back to "normality": Peter and the apostles went back to fishing; the disciples on the road to Emmaus were on their way...back to normality? And so, routine, habit and custom may not prepare us well to receive the unexpected.

-Disbelief. This is mentioned several times: "they did not believe." Jesus himself rebukes them for their disbelief. Even after the earthquake, the angels, the empty tomb...they persist in unbelief. Thomas is a striking example: he is resentful, angry: "I will believe only when I put my hands in his wounds." Clearly unbelief here is a rigid, resistant, aggressive force.

-Love opens eyes. It is the Beloved, John, who first believes at the empty tomb, even before an appearance. It is he who recognizes Jesus from the boat after the great net of fish. It is the Lover who sees the Beloved.

-An event, an action, a gesture opens the eyes of the disciples. The word "Mary" spoken; the blessing and breaking of the bread; the catch of fish; the bestowing of peace and offering of the wounds. At the precise moment, Jesus does the slightest gesture that unveils Him to his followers.

Let's consider the dynamics in a strong, intimate relationship...friendship, courtship or family. There is a delicate, sensitive, creative dance of disclosure and restrain in which we sense the receptivity of the other, her trust and readiness as we risk disclosure. Surely something like that is involved with our on-going love affair with the Lord as he waits patiently for us to be ready to receive all his Love. 

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