Friday, July 21, 2023

Joe Biden: Anti-Grandfather, Anti-Life, Anti-Catholic, Anti-Honor

The disowning, the abandonment of his little granddaughter by our President is unspeakably despicable. It is not a solitary act: it is emblematic of the interior moral rot that informs his entire persona and politics.

The moral monsters of our decadent age retain at least a residual loyalty to blood and tribe: Saddam Hussein was loved by the Sunni; Putin by the Russians; John Gotti by his "family." 

Even his rival, the vile egoist Donald Trump, is favorable in comparison. Kierkegaard famously compared the summer fool and the winter fool. The former is recognizable on a country road, from a miles distance: unkempt, wild hair, messy clothing, strange movements and facial expressions. The later appears at your door on a cold winter night: impressive, elegant, dignified. He evokes immediate respect and trust. He enters slowly. Calmly takes off his hat, gloves, scarf, overcoat, and sweater. And then you look at him and your realize: He is a fool!  Trump is clearly the summer fool: everything about him announces this! His hair, his countenance so incapable of laughter or humor, his obsession with self, his infantile bullying compulsion, his indifference to truth. Yet, there is a refreshing candor about him: lack of pretense, indifference to convention and even decency, breathtaking lack of shame. He is a burlesque performance, a cartoonish and cathartic enactment of the unchained Id ridiculing the prohibitions of the enfeebled (elite, woke) Superego. Biden is hypocrisy in pure form: he presents as pious Catholic, good family man, champion of the working class. Consider the following as consistent with his abandonment of the little girl:

Anti-Life. He has become the global champion of abortion. Why would we be shocked that the great enabler of the genocide of the unborn would abandon a granddaughter? He is Herod-killing-the-Innocents multiplied by a million!

Anti-Family. He has shamelessly affirmed, supported and enabled his son Hunter in a life of addiction, infidelity and fraud. We now know millions of dollars flowed to the Biden family through a network of shell companies while Hunter has no known business competence. At this point we don't know if Joe is a criminal; but he is a depraved father.  He participates in his son's irresponsibility to his own daughter. Putin, Hussein and Gotti would not be capable of such degeneracy.

Anti-Catholic. He would coerce the Little Sisters of the Poor to provide contraceptives against their consciences; doctors and nurses to provide transgender operations and abortions; Catholic adoption agencies to place small girls in the care of gay men; and the state to elevate homosexual unions as equivalent of marriage. As a Catholic, I have always maintained a certain detachment from most of our presidents since they are not Catholic; do not understand our faith; are from another tribe. This is a respectful "live and let live." They see things differently and we learn to live together.  But it is different when one of our own turn against us: our own Judas, our own Benedict Arnold.

It is tragic that the contest in the Democrat primary is between two Catholics, Kennedy and Biden, both traitors to the faith. If the Nazi party is anti-Semitic, the Communist party is anti-capitalist, the Democratic party is anti-Catholic. "Fredo! You're my older brother and I love you. But don't every take sides against the family with anyone. Ever!" 

Anti-Ally. He abandoned our allies in Afghanistan and left them in the hands of the Taliban in the most shameful act of diplomatic betrayal in historic memory. The sight of those frightened people running desperately alongside of the airplane leaving the country will stay with us for our lifetimes. In this cowardly decision, against military advice, he signaled Putin and the Chinese that the Americans no longer have the will to fight alongside of our friends for our way of life. He greenlighted the invasion of the Ukraine and probably marked the start of a new age of aggression and domination by the CCP.

Anti-Working-Class.  He clearly thinks of himself as champion of the working class. What he clearly favors is identity politics and critical race theory which splinters the working class against itself and diverts attention from actual class issues. He crusades for LGBTQ causes and the entire sexual revolution which has destroyed the working class family. He would pay student loans which favor the professional and upwardly aspirational classes and pay for it by the taxes of blue collar workers who get no benefits at all.

Anti-Truth. During the Presidency of Trump, I was sure he is the GOAT (greatest of all times) in his absolute disregard for truth. It was not that he lies. Lying entails a knowledge of the truth and an intentional contradiction of it. Trump is simply indifferent to truth. His only reality is his own interests. Trump has a rival in Biden: but it is packaged with more charm and deception.

Anti-Younger-Generation. His reckless dispersal of borrowed money has heightened inflation and left a heavier national debt for our children and grandchildren to carry. The Patriarch Joseph, chaste and wise and forgiving, famously saved the entire Egyptian world with his provident, prudent stewardship. Later, St. Joseph, likewise chaste-strong-reliable-faithful-wise protected the Holy Family from Herod. Their namesake, Joseph Biden, emulates Pharaoh and Herod in their massacre of the boys of Israel:  He is the ANTI-JOSEPH!

Clearly incompetent, he refuses to step aside to let a younger generation take over leadership. Here again he shows himself to be an ANTI-FATHER, inhibiting the rising of the young by his own unbounded narcissism. His age clearly disqualifies him. But worse his longstanding incompetence. But worst is his shameless Ego!

Anti-Virility. He has surrounded himself with people like himself. Harris, Garland, Yellin, Blinken, Buttigieg and company effuse an effete, uncertain, vacuous weakness in honor and virility. They do NOT instill confidence. They do not inhibit our enemies from aggression. They suffer from a moral vacuum rooted in the protection of innocent life and the generosity of gender, family and marriage.

Anti-Paternal-Protection. He has abandoned our borders; left us vulnerable; and lured countless desperate immigrants. He and his party fail to protect our cities. His DOJ refused to protect our Supreme Court Justices, even from the threat of murder, after the Dobbs ruling. His support for the Ukraine has been too little, too slow, too late...because of his underlying timidity and lack of courage.

Conclusion. Joe Biden brings shame and dishonor on family, Church and nation. A vote for this man by any Catholic who values our faith is cooperation with his decadence. However grave one's TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) support for him is inexcusable. I myself suffer (clearly) a severe case of Biden-Contempt-Syndrome. But I am not deranged. I have not and will not vote for Trump: the lesser evil is nevertheless evil and a Catholic cannot participate.


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