Monday, January 26, 2009

Agree to Disagree??????

At the March for Life on Thursday, we learned that our new President had already reversed the Mexico City policy and that our tax money would be used to import abortion overseas. This Clinton/Obama abortion-imperialism is deeply abhorrent to me personally as I imagine poor, distressed, pregnant women, many of them Catholic, being “counseled” into an abortion by tax-supported clinics in poverty areas all over the world.

My students ask: “Why are we paying for other country’s abortions?”
“Where do we get this money in this crisis?” I cannot give a coherent answer.

Pope Benedict XVI called the White House last week and they hung up on him. (Apparently, they thought it was a prank.) When he finally got through to the President, he asked him to stop the abortions. The President’s reply was: “We must agree to disagree.”

Note the falsely irenic coating. My wife and I “agree to disagree” about tuna salad because she likes mayonnaise but I prefer Miracle Whip. If I told my wife I was using some of our shrinking assets to torture and kill our grandchildren she would not “agree to disagree.” She would stop me; she would kill me if necessary; it would be all-out war.

So, we are at war: cultural, moral and spiritual war.

Father Groeschel put it well: “President Obama has turned a corner; we did not declare war on him, he declared war on us by this decision.” The wise and aging friar looked directly into the TV camera and added: “I come from Jersey City, a peaceful place. But if you want trouble, you’ve got it.”

The saddest thing about this war is the betrayal by fellow Catholics who support a regime of jihad against the innocent.

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