Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Joy of My No-Vote

 I enjoyed a distinctive elation throughout this ugly election because of my "No-Vote."

First of all, I distanced myself from the competing systemic evils: the truth-denying, person-disrespecting, narcissistic, polarizing, incompetent moral degenerate on the one side; and the embryo-murdering, liberty-denying, sexuality-desecrating, "woke" totalitarianism on the other side.

Secondly, I was removed from the rancor, anger, indignation, anxiety, and self-righteousness of both sides.

Thirdly, from this position of liberty and transcendence I have been able to fervently embrace all that is good and true on both sides: I celebrate Justice Amy, the protection of innocent life, religious liberty, the nature of marriage and family, and resistance to the "PC" hegemony. With the other side I renounce the self-centered idiocy as I share concern for immigrants, health care, global warming, and an adequate safety net. 

Fourthly, building on the prior point, I experience within my own heart and intellect a principle of unity: while I renounce the blatant evil of both sides, I embrace the pronounced good of both sides. Subjectively I emphasize the positive so that I feel a unity with both sides. I myself am unified in the good; and with all those who share that good.

Fifthly, I am delighted with the election results:

First and foremost: Our Supreme Court is solid. We are finally rid of the Tyrannical,  Imperial Court that has dictatorially imposed on us, without democratic agreement, a series of catastrophes. The modesty of Justice Amy and her colleagues will prevail and we can fight the Culture War fairly, in elections. This eventful development cannot be overstated.

We are rid of the nutcase.

There was no blue wave as the Senate probably remains Red and the Democrats lost some in the House. I view this election as a win/win for my viewpoint: both enemies were defeated. Trump lost. But given the pandemic, the economy and his lunacy, there should have been a huge blue wave. Clearly the electorate rejected both Trump and the progressives. It is as if the two neighborhood bullies bloodied each other so much that they will not be able to bother the rest of us for quite a while. Harmless, nice-guy Joe is in place and he is firmly restrained by the Senate and a prudent Supreme Court.

I am very proud of my family and friends who "could not vote for either." Some did a write in or voted for the Catholic-inspired American Solidarity Party. In my immediate family nine out of fifteen took this position; we had two Trump votes and possibly as much as four votes for Biden. In my own extended family I suspect as much as fifty out of eighty voted Biden, with the remainder split between no-vote and Trump. 

I am more sympathetic to the Trump vote. The most puzzling political reality of my adult life: the continued Catholic support for the Party of Death, now that we are 50 years into the Culture War. Most of my family, intelligent-decent-devout Catholics, have never voted for a politician who didn't support legal abortion and all the grotesqueries that come with it. St. Paul marveled that his people, the Jews, rejected Christ. I marvel that my people, Catholics, have (at almost exactly 50 percent) collaborated with the betrayal of our Catholic values for now half a century. These are well-intended, informed people. As in Romans,  there is mysterious cloud of ignorance that has descended. It seems to be invincible. It is more than tribal hatred of the perceived greed, arrogance and power of the rich Republicans. It has deeper, diabolic roots. We are not dealing here with flesh and blood only, but with the principalities and powers. Voting, argument, advocacy and activism all have their proper place; but in face of the darkness, the depravity that have descended, they avail little or nothing. What will prevail? Prayer, holiness of life, witness to truth, chastity and fidelity, and of the sinner, love of the enemy, love of the poor and suffering, and love of the Holy Trinity.

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