Monday, November 30, 2020

To Be...or Not to Be...a Creature

 What matters most: that you know that you are a CREATURE!  You are not a random, senseless nothing! You are not some necessity, part of a greater whole! You are an utterly unique, precious person, created out of boundless love by an infinite intelligence. If you grasp that you are a creature, you understand you origin, identity, mission, destiny and place in the greater whole.

It is a Big Mistake to:

- Forget you are a creature.

- To be agnostic: maybe I am; and maybe I am not.

- Think you are a senseless amalgam of brute matter.

- Think you are an impersonal, "useful" part of some greater apparatus.

- Think you are a tortured abyss of futile desire, agony, anxiety and despair.

Yes, you are a body, male or female, and you are united and directed by a soul that is intelligent, decisive, free!

Yes, you are a person in communion with family, friends, community and God!

Yes, you suffer ravishing desire and agony, which is destined to be suffered and then satisfied beyond your greatest imaginings!

To be a creature is to be:

- Receptive: of your very existence; of who you are in body, DNA, place and time, sex, hormones, family, vocation, air, ground and sky. To receive love: of family and friend, of creation and Creator.

- Contingent: once you were not. Some day you may not be. But dependent upon Another's gratuity.

- Gifted: to be a gift yourself; to be given away to others joyfully, freely, spontaneously, abundantly.

- In wonder, awe, the sheer generosity of Beauty-Goodness-Truth that inflows, surrounds and surprises us!

- Not-God; Not-Creator. To be humble, grateful, receptive, trusting, hopeful, dependent!

- Converted: from sins of ingratitude; of not-receiving; of envy; of suspicion and disbelief; of grasping; of autonomy; of isolation; of despair.

- Open and trusting of the Person of Jesus who died for us, offers us Mercy and Eternal Life.

- Hopeful: of our destiny in heaven and expansive with hopes for our journey here on earth.

In all we do, our choice is: be a creature, or a non-creature. The primordial Luciferian Option: to be non-creature; to be "I am god;" to grasp, envy, resent, control; to be ungrateful, ungenerous, autonomous. Satan, the greatest creature ever, and his cohort decided against the Creator; and their Kingdom is powerful among us today.

The contrary of Lucifer is Mary, the most creaturely of creatures: humble, trusting, content, obedient, hopeful, faithful, obedient, joyous! Let us renounce the lies of Satan and embrace the Truth of our creaturehood presented to us in this humble, simple maiden!

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