Friday, March 29, 2024

Co-Creators of 21st Century, 3rd Millennium Catholicism

In a world of horrendous violence and chaos, and a Church divided and confused, the Holy Spirit has been at work in  splendid, symphonic extravagance. Let us ponder his presence as we entered this century and millennium. Three conspirators ("co-breathers") stand out.

St. John Paul the Great. He led us into this time. He is our Moses, our El Cid, our George Washington. In his dramatic engagements, personal holiness, iconic teaching...he embodied and articulated our faith in all its creativity, contemporaneity, and freshness as well as its ancient authority.

Saint Mother Teresa. In her dark night of 40 years, she emptied herself in service of our Lord in the very least, the suffering, the forgotten. She is one of many including Dorothy Day, Catherine Dougherty, Madeleine Delbrel and so  many. Pope Francis, to his credit, exemplified this for us, for example in his decision to wash the feet, on Holy Thursday, of women in prison rather than the cardinals.

Saints Andre, Solanus, Leopoldo and all the "little ones" of simple, childlike faith who open their hearts and minds to the invasions from heaven.

After that solid trio, we have others.

Kiko Arguello, Luigi Giussani, Chiara Lubich, Ralph Martin and all the leaders of the lay renewal movements who have interacted with the Holy Spirit in a dazzling variety that manifests the unbounded richness of our Church.

Ratzinger-Benedict, DeLubac, Balthasar, Speyr, again John Paul and the entire Resourcement, later Communio, school of theology that largely birthed the Council and then interpreted it authoritatively. In the USA this means the David Schindlers and the John Paul II Institute in Washington DC. Together they offer an extraordinary flourishing of Catholicism that integrates the best of modernity within loyal traditionalism.

Ecumenical Coalitions including the charismatic/Pentecostal renewal across the denominations (especially in Africa); the Culture War alliance in the West of evangelicals, Catholics and others; cooperation at every level in service of the poor and suffering.

Countless Flourishing of Faith in a million modest, humble forms on the ground: new religious orders, prayer movements, Marian devotions, works of corporal and spiritual mercy, home schooling, small colleges of countercultural faith, intellectual activity in journals, books and the internet. And of course: the mundane, ordinary fidelity of parish priests, families, teachers, catechists and so many who labor to pass on our faith to our young and others.

We have entered an age that can be threatening and discouraging. But when we consider the Presence and Actions of God, of the Holy Spirit, gathering us together in Jesus the Son, we are filled with wonder, joy, gratitude, agency and hope!


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