Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Logic and Intention of Drag Queen Story Time

"Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Jesus.

"We are coming for your children."  Alan Ginsburg, militant gay Beatnik.

"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were tied around his neck and he was thrown into the sea."  Jesus.

In my little world, the active homosexuals I know (family, friends, work) are almost all quiet, discrete, modest, restrained, congenial. They do not engage in Culture War. It is "live and let live" and "don't ask don't tell." We enjoy a mutual affection, delight and respect and a shared interest in a range of things including family, prayer, care for the suffering, books, movies, humor and more. Sexuality remains where it belongs: private, confidential, sacred. I do not know what they do or even what they think. They probably know my staunch Catholic views but we never get into that. Sexuality and also politics are set to the side so that we can get on with life together. Very wholesome! 

A different reality is the militant "Gay." Here we have indignant, righteous demand for full moral approval of these actions and lifestyle; aggressive Culture War; parades, pronouns, podcasts, Hawaiian shirts,  rainbows, social media obsessions; histrionics, narcissism, narratives of self-pity and victimhood; public, priestly blessings;  moralistic condemnation of the entire Christian tradition of chastity and spousal fidelity.

To be sure there is such a thing as homophobia: contempt for the homosexual. I encountered it mostly in adolescence when I was repulsed by the disgust in expressions like "queer" and "faggot." In retrospect, I attribute it mostly to adolescent masculine insecurity. Also, the graphic, inherently violent and demeaning reality of male-on-male intercourse is naturally repulsive to an innocent psyche not brainwashed into the gay-affirming, woke universe. 

Honestly, I have not encountered homophobia in my adult life. I worked over 25 years with truck drivers so I have not been entirely sheltered from the realities of male life. Like racism, homophobia is absolutely prohibited in elite and even mainstream culture. You may find residues of it on some high school football team in a rural area of some deep red state: a relic of the past.

To be sure: horrific emotional suffering accompanies the attraction. This is only slightly due to social disapproval. In places (Scandinavia, San Francisco, Greenwich Village) that have been gay-affirming for decades there remain elevated levels of addiction, suicide, mental illness, and quiet despair. The primary causes of this suffering are not social disapproval but twofold. First, the actions and lifestyle are themselves contrary to the moral order and therefore toxic. Secondly, the attraction is often, but not always, accompanied by related disorders: masculine insecurity, bad father connection, dread of the feminine, history of homosexual abuse, difficulty in male peer relationships, sexual addiction, and personality disorders. The suffering of the homosexual is real and profound. Unhappily, "gay affirmation" in the long run will increase, not relieve this agony. 

The LGBTQ crusade has the approval of mainstream society and all the elite institutions: law, Hollywood, media, academia, big business, liberal religion, even the military. The young are virtually unanimous in their approval. This is because the practice, culture and identity is the epitome of the prevailing culture or "religion" understood broadly: expressive individualism, materialistic consumerism, sterilized sexuality, technologized "reproduction," deconstructed gender, antipathy to masculinity, paternity, authority, and tradition. The isolated, narcissistic, hedonistic, progressive, therapy-craving, careerist, sterile "gay" individual is the ideal of the New World that exploded in the 1960s. 

In its narrative of victimhood and pity, it plays shrewdly upon the heartstrings of the (bleeding heart, limousine) liberal psyche which is sentimental, gullible, naive, and blind to the actual realities of evil, sin, Satan and guilt. It elicits a faux pity and a saccharine self-righteousness: "born that way," heteronormativity, intersectionality, and the entire "woke" litany.

The crusade is not satisfied with legal gay marriage and the virtually unanimous approval of elite/mainstream society. They indignantly require the approval of two moral authorities: the Church and innocent children.

The global Church and churches are violently polarized on this. This Culture War will be with us for a long time.

Perhaps more important is the young and innocent. Here is where the logic and intent of Drag Queen Story Time is manifest.

Traditionally, we revere the "latent period" of sexuality and shield our youth from exposure until adolescence, protecting their innocence, and trusting in their gradual, guided maturation into mature femininity and masculinity, into chastity, fidelity and generous-generative paternity/maternity (biological and spiritual). 

The gay militant, desperate for moral approval, torn from paternity-authority-religion, unconsciously and compulsively craves acceptance by those who are innocent, and so good. They need to be received by our children as normal. And so, we have Drag Queen Story Hour. 

The "drag queen" is of course neither masculine nor feminine, but a contemptuous parody of the feminine in a grotesque, glamorous extreme. Therefore, it brilliantly but subtly deconstructs the wholesome, natural, God-given binary of mother-and-father. It attacks the very filial soul of the child in its trust, reception, reverence for the mother and the father.

It is widely known that gay culture is obsessed with youth and the young. Cut off from paternity, the gay man dreads aging and wants to maintain the facade of youth and fitness. We see in the priest sex scandal the obsession with young men. Very many gay and homosexual men have themselves been victims of seduction in their youth. Could this be a disordered expression of the frustrated paternal drive? Or could it be an expression of a wounded filiality, some primal disconnect with the maternal and paternal, that becomes sexualized into a craving for the young and innocent?

In any case, there is no doubt that the Drag Queen Story Time is an instance of the broader crusade: to indoctrinate our young into the gay cult of sterile, isolated, de-gendered, motherless-fatherless, anti-filial, non-familial, histrionic, narcissistic sexuality. To cover themselves with a facade of moral innocence, they are compelled to rob our own children of innocence. 

May we be clear, vigilant, forceful in the protection of our little ones from the fervid, unrecognized attack on childhood innocence which drives the gay crusade. 

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