Sunday, July 22, 2012

Deep Gentleness

Deep Gentleness might be another name for God, and godliness, as revealed in our Lord Jesus Christ. Deep, so deep as to be infinitely strong, invulnerable, powerful. But power that is quiet, peaceful, generous. So deeply silent because significance and beauty are dense and intense as to be inexpressible in word or sound. Absolutely gentle as to be free of any violence. Powerful and gentle so as to absorb evil and death and turn them into good and life without harm or violation. So complete and serene as to be without lack or privation. But flowing over, unceasingly, in generosity, newness, splendor and drama. Free, radiant, and endlessly creative. Springing from a memory that is endlessly rich. Moving, delightfully and hopefully, into a boundless future. Yet resting in a present that is at once tranquil and ecstatic.

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