Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Perfidious, Pusillanimous Grandfather

The five-year old girl has never met her father; has been ignored, denied and abandoned by the entire paternal side of herself. Her grandfather is arguably the most prestigious, powerful man in the world. He embodies, more than anyone...more than Harry Weinstein, Vladimir Putin, Saddam Hussein, Donald Trump...masculinity as infidelity, betrayal, dishonesty, cowardice, hypocrisy, weakness. Joe Biden.

This dishonor, timidity, self-righteousness and mendacity runs like a theme throughout his personal and public life:

- Passionately he crusades for the killing of the unborn, the inconvenient little ones. This alone makes him by far the worst President in the history of our country. He would discard every unintended fetus as he has his own blood.

- He presents himself righteously as a pious Catholic, rosary beads in hand, as he betrays our most sacred convictions: forcing the Little Sisters of the Poor to provide contraception and abortion, forcing girls to compete with biological males, coercing Catholic agencies to place little girls with pairs of gay men. There have been worse Catholics in our history, but none so righteous and hypocritical.

- He indulged his son Hunter in collecting millions of dollars from China and Ukraine. Hunter has no marketable skills, except his addictive codependency upon his powerful father.

- Against military advice, he precipitously abandoned in Afghanistan our allies who fought beside us for so many years. Again: betrayal, cowardice, infidelity.

- This cowardly act signaled to our global bad actors that they had a green light to do as they wish, with no retaliation from the USA. Ergo, Putin invades Ukraine.

- In the Ukraine, Biden has systemically done too little too  late out of fear of Putin. Again, cowardice.

- He caters to Iran and floods them with billions of dollars, thus bankrolling terrorism and eventually the desecration out of Gaza by Hamas. 

- He opened our borders and motived poor parents to send 500,000 unescorted minors into the USA without protection as he caters to BLM, LGBTQ, defund the police and the systemic  breakdown of the moral order of our society.

- He has contributed to the inflation that plagues the lower and working classes, as he continues to spend money like a drunken sailor. He is giving billions for student debt relief, thereby benefiting the upper and aspiring middle classes and leaving the lower echelons of society to pay for the bill. All the time he postures as a union man and friend of the poor. Shameless hypocrisy! Donald Trump looks like Honest Abe Lincoln by comparison!

I could go on! Please, don't get me started!

I am a never-Trumper moral conservative and have vowed to myself, hundreds of times over the last decade, that I could never vote for him. That I could not look in the mirror, or sleep at night, or face my grandchildren if I voted for such a vile character. But I have been forced to change my mind. Trump is who he is...despicable. But compared to Joe Biden he is a cross between St. Joseph and El Cid! I will have to pull the lever for Donald Trump in November. He is the lessor evil. He is evil. But he is less than Biden by several levels of gravity!

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