Friday, August 24, 2012

Liberal Dogmatism

Religious dogmas are accepted by faith; scientific theories are tested by reason. So, as Catholic I accept that Mary was assumed physically into heaven; I do not seek to test that truth. Liberals have contempt for conservatives as anti-reason or anti-science because they themselves accept, on faith as dogmatic creed, a network of scientific theories which are entirely problematic and unproved: We humans evolved from apes; man-made global warming presents a clear and imminent danger to human flourishing; there are too many people on the earth; people are born homosexual; oral contraceptives are very good for women; masturbation is healthy and normal; humans need sex; men and women are alike in intellect and all important ways; parenting by a homosexual couple is equivalent to that by a man and a woman; the unborn fetus is not human; liberals care about the poor and conservatives do not; gender is a cultural construct subject to personal choice and social experimentation. These twelve dogmas are accepted, uncritically, as absolutes by liberals. To express reasonable, scientific doubt about them is to be stigmatized as dogmatic, ignorant, bigoted, and irrational.The shoe is on the other foot. The deep human need for certitude, for firmness in truth and faith, for dogma, when denied and repressed, will re-express itself as violence. We Catholics are self-aware that are belief in dogma, say the Assumption, is an act of faith in a supernatural revelation. As a result, we understand that many are not given that gift so we do not despise them for that. Additionally, we can consider scientific theories (say, climate change or the origins of homosexuality) with a certain lightness. The liberal, by contrast, unaware of his dogmatism, can only view dissent and skepticism about such issues as hatred and ignorance.

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