Saturday, August 4, 2012

Praying for Sinners

A dear friend reminded me that Saint Faustina was told by Jesus himself that prayer for great sinners comforts his heart. This calls to mind the prayer of St. Theresa of Lisieux and the last-minute conversion of the murderer Pranzini. Prayer for such sinners is a win-win-win: it comforts the heart of Jesus, it helps the sinner repent, and it draws us closer to the heart of Christ. And so, we are praying for Assad of Syria, Bernie Madoff, James Holmes and Jerry Sandusky. Pedophiles and serial killers seem to be particularly in need of God's mercy. Such prayer for the living is a good thing. Prayer for deceased sinners is not so clear, to me. I personally am disposed to remember Sadaam Hussein in light of his last two acts: approaching his executioners, he personally shook the hand of each American soldier and thanked them because they had treated him decently in his last months; but then he heard the accent of his Shiite executioners and he died cursing them and being cursed by them. This historic incident highlights the profound dramatic ambiguity of every life: each of us is capable of goodness and of evil. I find myself averse, however, to praying for Hitler, Stalin or Mao. They seem too evil. I do not pray for them. Justice, which is fulfilled but not nullified by genuine Mercy, seems to require more than purgatory for them. I leave them in God's hands. I just do not know.

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