Monday, January 20, 2014

Invigorated, Refreshed, Enchanted, INNOCENCE

"Loss of Innocence" read the movie poster, the words superimposed on a vague image of a gorgeous young couple in physical intimacy. Immediately, efficaciously, the image produced its intended effect: I was inflamed within by a desire to see this movie and become lost in a fantasy of alluring, passionate, illicit sexual love. A second later I thought: Wait a minute! Innocence is a good and beautiful thing! Loss of in ugly, depressing, dreary, tired, toxic and sickly. This poster is a romantic illusion...a falsehood...but what an alluring, powerful one!!! Innocence is fresh, pure, delightful, new, hopeful,fruitful and energetic. To be alive in Christ is to be ever-refreshingly invigorated, encouraged and rejuvenated in Innocence. Every genuine act of prayer, contrition, forgiveness, generosity and piety is an event of novelty, surprise, and renewal. Such a life is an unending adventure of romance, excitement and serendipity! We have lost our innocence...but not completely. The innocence of original creation was weakened and wounded by the first sin in the garden, but not survives, and awaits revival. Our baptismal innocence is corrupted and weakened by every single sin, but for many of us is not annihilated, but endures, sick and impoverished, awaiting renewal. Life in Christ...communion with Him in sacrament, prayer, and the never-ending and ever-new drama of refreshment and transformation in innocence. Our Lady is the epitome of such purity and youth...she is "younger than sin"...a fount of energy and fecundity. In union with our Vine and through the influence of our Mother, let us grow each day in innocence!

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