Monday, May 5, 2014

Sexual Reverence (2):The Holiness of Sex

Sex is the holiest natural, physical creation for three reasons that mutually penetrate each other. First, it is God's plan to create new persons, souls that will live with Him forever. This alone makes it incomparably glorious, profound, and hopeful. Secondly, the physical union creates an incomparably deep union between two persons at every level: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, volitional and social. Because body-and-soul are a unity, the mutual penetration of the body creates an infinitely deeper union of heart, mind and soul. Therefore, in the right place, marriage that is blessed by God, it is a sacrament, an encounter with God Himself. Outside of that sacred precinct, it is a grave violation against God, the other and oneself. Thirdly, sexuality reaches into the deepest place of a person's mind, heart and soul. Sex is NEVER just sex. It is always a universe of moral and spiritual meanings: loyalty or betrayal, reverence or contempt, tenderness or brutality, truth or falsehood, beauty or ugliness, surrender or control, selfishness or generosity. Hildebrand notes that sins in this area pierce more deeply into the soul than comparable acts like gluttony, avarice, sloth or anger. Consider: which would be more toxic for a marriage and a family...alcoholism, anger or adultery? I would have to say that the last is far more intimate, profound, hurtful and disastrous. Since sex is sacred, it needs to be covered and sheltered by reverence in the way we speak, think, dress, look and act.

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