Monday, December 20, 2021

Dear Bishops...

You did not ask me. But here is my advice:

It is time for you to man up: find your courage and virility, exercise your charism and authority, become a true father...clear, strong, gentle, confident, protective of the Truth and of your flock!

1. Be Father to your brother priests. Reverse the Dallas Chapter which is so unfair. Be just! Be defensive of the victims! But also protective of your own priests who have been made so vulnerable to false accusation. Read the scathing criticism of Monsignor Tom Guarino! Draw your brother-son priests to yourself...always in Truth!

2. Be Father to the traditionalists. Quietly ignore the vicious crackdown on that solemn, ancient rite by our pontiff. Do not collaborate in an evil act. Sure there are extremists and eccentrics among them; but for the most part they are desperately hungry for the holy. They are isolated and hurt; they need a Father to draw close, comfort and guide, strengthen and encourage them.

3.Be Father to your pro-abortion politicians. Quietly meet with them to correct and instruct, with a gentle and loving heart. Direct them to refrain from communion as long as they persist in this atrocity. Publically announce that those actively, publically advocating abortion are not welcome to receive.

4.Be a Father as protector of the Truth, Tradition, Authority. Abandon the facade of unity our national body of bishops recently presented with a statement on the Eucharist. We are NOT a united Church. We are a dysfunctional family; bitterly polarized about what is true and good. Speak the Truth clearly, boldly, confidently...challenge even the Bishop of Rome when he is wrong. Be Paul confronting Peter in Jerusalem!

5. Be Father, protector and teacher and guide, to the sexually afflicted and confused. Renounce the legacy of McCarrick! Acclaim the heritage of John Paul and Benedict, of Chaput-George-O'Connor! Challenge Pope Francis on his destruction of the John Paul Instituer for the Family in Rome and consider such a fine organization, more modest, in your own diocese. Lead a crusade against pornography. Encourage the homosexual in his identity as man and father; guide him in chastity, fidelity, paternity. Detach from the "gay" agenda!

6. Be a Father, not a CEO! Consider ways to disestablish the Church; to hand over the bureaucracies and institutions into lay hands; to encourage a lightened, powerless, liberated (institutional) Church.

7. Be a Father: give us strong meat, a wholesome diet, not junk food. Ignore "synodality." It is a confusion, a distraction, a waste of time, a "misdirection" that conceals an underlying bad agenda. Instead throw your energy and influence behind the good stuff: whatever is true, honorable, holy, pure.

I write as your brother-in-Christ, drawing upon my own baptism-confirmation-endowed-authority. I write as your spiritual son who has been deeply saddened by the state of the episcopcy, the failure in paternity, in this time. But you have my sympathy. Yours is the hardest job in the world. You are as a group exceptional men...capable, intelligent, kind, educated, holy. But the "holy" part is inhibited because your are buried under an avalance of responsibility for this huge bureacracy.

You are yourselves an elite and you stand next to "The Elite" of our society and you are understandably, unavoidably vulnerable to influence from hegemonic Cultural Liberalism. We need you to be the "Counter Elite."

Your instincts are strongly towards unity, accomadation, a fault! My suggestions will be viscerally repugnant to you. But you need to mortify your Chamberlain-esque compulsions and become a Churchill for the Church as we endure this demonic Blitz on our Church. It is time now for a virile, strong, clear, fatherly and TRUTHFUL love!

I exhort you: Courage! Surrender to the Holy Spirit given to you with the laying on of hands! Be bold, fearless, calm, clear, confident, and loving in announcing the Truth!

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