Monday, January 3, 2022

The Emasculating Narrative of Victimhood

I can think of nothing worse to tell a developing young man than this: "You are a victim! You are weak and powerless before hostile forces that wound and control you. I pity you. You are pathetic." That is a lie straight from hell. It leaves the young man discouraged, emasculated, resentful, and weak. It is a self-fulling prophesy. It is the narrative underlying both the LGBTQ and the BLM mythologies.

This is not to deny the realities of racism and homophobia. Both are real. Both can be systematic (deliberate, organized) and systemic (pervasive in an less conscious and deliberate manner). Both need to be renounced. Both are part of an aggressive Dark Kingdom with which we are engaged perpetually in combat. But neither deserves to be inflated into a monotonous monstosity that deprives our youth of their dignity and agency.

The LGBTQ myth is that the homosexual is born with attractions that are entirely wholesome and that a vicious social homophobia has shamed him into a "denial of who he really is." He is, then, an innocent who is viciously despised and wounded by a society and Church that is systemically if not entirely deliberately hateful and destructive. He is victim. His deliverance is in claiming his victimhood; acknowledging his inclination as wholesome and unproblematic; and defying hostile homophobia. If the Christian is the sinner who acknowledges his sin; the Gay is the homosexual who claims his victimization and proclaims the moral goodness of his sexual activity.

The BLM view misconstrues "black" as oppressed and "white" as oppressor. With broad brush it informs the young man: you are feeble and without agency before hostile powers; all authority (father) figures across society intend your harm and are never to be trusted; in this hostile world you will lack the resources, competence and energy to prevail as a good man, husband, father; you are right to shrivel with discouragement and despair and rage with indignation and stew in resentment. This is the worst possible falsehood for a young man to accept.

It is astounding that the Church has been so passive, tolerant, compliant with these ideologies and has failed to uveil them for the monstrocities they are.

In 1998 John Paul II stood in the scorching sun for several hours as Fidel Castro harrangued thousands about how they were victims of Yanqui imperialism, colonialism, militarism, yada yada yada. When given the microphone, John Paul spoke for two minutes. His message: "You are not victims. You are protagonists of your own personal and social histories."

That's what I'm talking about!

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