Monday, April 18, 2022

Kudos to the Trump Administration Handlers!

THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE! That is what I would like to say to the patriots who served our country in the Trump administration. Pence, Barr, Pompeo, Kelly, McMaster, Tillerson, Matis, Haley, ...yes even DeVos, Mnuchin, Chao, Sessions. Liberals, confounded by the hysteria of Trump-Derangement-Syndrome, feel boundless contempt for anyone associated with him. But today, looking back with some distance upon his four years in office, it is amazing, I think even miraculous, that in his policy and governance he did so little harm and that the ship of state sailed on so serenely and even made some improvements.

When he was elected, at our family Christmas party, some of my sisters were distraught that he would start a nuclear war or otherwise gravely impact our world. I was silent: it did not seem to me to be an irrational fear. He is SUCH a fool! The next four years, as mediated by the media, was one idiotic twitter distraction after another. But the good news: Trump had zero interest in and ability for governance or classic politics. He had one and only one focus: his own narcisisitic performance. So, to a great extent, he let the administrative state continue its course with no interference. Additionally, he surrounded himself with mostly competent people, who swallowed their repugnance to serve the country.

His important aides shared a corporate personality: Conservative and Republican, mostly in a classic manner. (Obviously, Bannon and his type were another thing entirely.) From my point of view they were too far right on many issues; but they did defend unborn life, religious freedom and the traditional family. They had impressive careers in business, government and the military. They were practical, prudent and contrarian to his erratic impulses. They exuded confidence, strength, expertise. They served him faithfully but eventually had to renounce him: Barr and Pence of course in dramatic fashion in regard to the 2020 election.

For those four years, our was mesmerized by the Trump Clown Show. BUT: the world was at peace. We started to stand up to China. We got NATO nations to start paying their share. We allied the Sunnis and Israel against an aggressive Iran. The economy flourished. The Imperial Liberal Supreme Court was disestablished. Religious freedom was defended. The unborn were respected. The hegemony of the Liberal Elite was dealt a blow.

By comparison, 15 months under Biden and we have: in Afghanistan one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes in our lifetime, a horrific invasion of Ukraine provoked by the perception of a weak USA, a border in crisis, crime raging in our cities, uncontrolled inflation, and a society becoming more polarized every day. Biden himself has contributed to all of this.

So we owe a debt of gratitude to those who swallowed their disgust and endured the frustration of working for The Donald!

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