Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Dobbs Decision

 Yesterday's Dobbs Decision was clearly one of the most decisive, significant legal/political events of my 75 years. It was an intelligent, clear, courageous action on the part of the five judges. In my intellect and will I rejoiced: I am proud of the judges and of the pro-life movement of the last five decades; I give due credit to Trump. 

But emotionally I was not jubilant. I did not celebrate, did not talk to people about it. I was sad because of the reaction to it by about half our country.

In the residences I run for women, perhaps half of our ladies have had abortions. Almost all of them are liberal Democrats and pro-choice. I dare not mention the decision.

Among my family and close friends at least half are liberal Democrat and consistently vote pro-choice, although they profess to be pro-life. I dare not mention the decision. 

Two weeks ago Judge Amy Coney Barrett, with her family, visited  my daughter's house for a barbeque. The connection had to do with her Downs Syndrome son. The visit was enjoyable, down-to-earth, ordinary and interesting. When I mention this to liberal friends, very good people who are serious in their Catholic faith, there is a cold, even frigid air that descends. 

Last night watching the news I became more downcast. The rage against the ruling has a ferocious, demonic quality to it. It is encouraged by "Catholics" Biden and Pelosi. It is widespread. It is self-righteous, furious, unrestrained, and entirely untroubled by the life of the little, powerless, dependent one. 

Where I live and work, most people are Democrat and pro-legal-abortion. These are people I love and respect. But the moral gulf between us is immense. I am most of the time a stranger in a strange land, although this is never mentioned. 

Our country is hopelessly polarized: we really are, morally, two distinct moral cultures.

I hold in contempt the decision of Chief Justice Roberts to straddle the issue: to uphold the Mississippi law and yet support Roe. I have more respect for the three liberal judges who are clear and firm in their decision. There are hard binaries! the fetus has a right to life or it does not. There is no compromise here, no moderate position, no half-way measure. Roberts sees himself as the great reconciler, keeping the peace by upholding precedent. He is indecisive and lukewarm. He has handed the court over to the clear thinking, decisive five.

The refusal of Biden and the DOJ to protect the families of Kavanaugh, Barrett and the others is simply nauseating. Despicable! 

It is a better world with Roe in the garbage pile. The abortion decision returns to democratic procedures where it belongs. The Culture War will largely move to the swing states. On the federal level we should get some reprieve. The hysterics of the Left will eventually exhaust themselves. We still have, in our nation, substantial sobriety, moral integrity, intelligence and these five justices. These are grounds for gratitude and hope.

But in my lived world there remains the intractable cloud of moral decadence. It is a great sadness!

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