Sunday, June 19, 2022

Why Do the Deplorables Love Their Guns?

 Notwithstanding broad popular support for common sense gun control measures which hardly threaten the second amendment, our congress is barely capable of even minimum action. Liberals demonize the NRA, an organization that is currently in deep trouble on various fronts. The problem is broader and deeper: a critical mass (35 or 40%?), roughly the Trump base, cling passionately to their guns.

The long, strong tradition about guns in our country does not adequately account for this obsession. There is something deeper! The gun, individualistic and technological, is the final, reliable protection for the  threatened, isolated, unhinged, uprooted American.

The deplorable redneck is undereducated, underemployed, unchurched, unmarried, despairing, suspicious, liable to addiction, fatherless, and frightened. Over the last 50 years he has lost family, Church, trade union, neighborhood, the family-and-religion-friendly DNC and a rich network of mediating institutions. These have been replaced by mega-government, global capitalism, and hyper-technology. He has no roots, foundation, protection. These monstrosities are controlled by a powerful, educated, privileged, secular elite that advances an ideology hostile to everything precious to the deplorable: religion, freedom, community, marriage and family,  and the tiny unborn.

This elite is implementing the Great Reset: global engineering to control for global warming, pandemics, equality, unrestrained hyper-technology, sexual license, deconstruction of masculinity/femininity, low fertility, genocide of the unfit-incompetent-unborn-demented, open borders, and the bourgeois tyranny of bureaucracy. 

And...they are coming for their guns. Their guns are their last and only defense against a world gone cold and hateful. You cannot blame them! 

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