Monday, June 12, 2023

The Faith That Has Grasped Me (Letter 47 to My Grands)

 How rich, deep, fascinating, fierce, enlivening, enchanting and encouraging is this faith that possesses me! May it grasp you, my grandchildren, with even greater ferocity. These "C" characteristics are prominent.

1. Christ. It is all about Jesus: the event, the encounter, the challenge, the companionship, the agonistic struggle, the pardon for our sins, the strength in our weakness, the communion in a peace that surpasses understanding. Everything flows from Jesus, to the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Everything!

2. Catholic. The total package, the real deal, the symphonic and synergistic extravagance that flows from the Trinity into our world and history. Everything: the liturgy, ethics, art, style, dogmas. This is NOT Catholic Lite, or cafeteria/cultural Catholicism, or some relevant progressivism. We are talking about hardcore, undiluted, high octane, red meat, straight-up, counter-cultural, non-bourgeois Uber-Catholicism. 

3. Charismatic. The Holy Spirit, with all the charisms and fruits, infills our spirits, enflames us with love, fortifies us, protects us from evil and guides us in all wisdom. The Holy Spirit brings us to Jesus and to the Father. Our constant companion! He works in a marvelous abundance of communities,  movements, practices and traditions within the Church. He works in each of us in an utterly unique, unrepeatable manner. Come Holy Spirit! 

4. Compassionate. May our hearts, often hard and cold, become tender, attentive, responsive to the suffering of others, especially the poor, in this month (June) of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

5. Communio. Perhaps the greatest blessing upon the Church of my lifetime is the theological vision,  received through Popes John Paul and Benedict, as well as theologians such as Balthasar, who in mid-and-late-20th-century, unveiled in fresh yet traditional ways, the mystery of our "communio" with God in Christ and all that means for our lives.

6. Cultural Warrior. In the face of the demonic assault of the Sexual Revolution, may we be steadfast, fierce, fearless, courageous and clear in the affirmation of all we hold holy, true, good and beautiful.

May our hearts, intellects, wills and spirits be ever responsive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit drawing us ever deeper into communion with Jesus, our Triune God who has taken flesh and dwells with us.

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