Thursday, June 22, 2023

Top 10 Greatest Saints of the 20th Century

 Is this a silly or irreverent question? I think not! If we can name the greatest athletes, world leaders, or scientists than we can talk about the saints.

We do so with humility. Only God can judge these things; He does not do "top ten lists."  But there are degrees of holiness. We can however observe, within our limitations, two phenomena to judge:

1. The evident holiness of life. This is shown in works of mercy, quality of holiness, sacrificial suffering including death by martyrdom, miracles and mystical phenomena (stigmata, revelations, etc.).

2. Influence on others through direct contact, heavenly messages, inspired writings, and broad, indirect influence.

This is not a science. It is not measurable like the fastest mile ever run. It is more playful. It is prayerful as a grateful, praise-filled acknowledgement to God for his works in these marvelous people.

10. Father Solanus Casey. This humble doorman touched countless people through his humble, prayerful faith. 

9. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross: she gets extra points for being martyred, as a Jewess who converted to Catholicism, and for her brilliance in philosophy and spiritual doctrine.

8. Maximillian Kolbe is known for his heroic, sacrificial death but had huge influence even before that.

7. Elizabeth of the Trinity in her spiritual writing on the Trinity rivaled even Theresa of Lisieux (who died just before the turn of the century).

6. Gemma Galgani is an extraordinary mystic. Probably the most physically beautiful saint, she had no concern with that but lived closely with supernatural things.

5. Maria Gioretti died heroically, in chastity, while forgiving her assailant. She is the patron saint of our youth.

4. Faustina received the revelations of Divine Mercy which changed our world.

3. John Paul II was a marvel of holiness, wisdom, virility, charm and global influence.

2. Padre Pio was a monumental figure, an extraordinary mystic engaged in relentless combat with Satan, and enormously influential.

1. Mother Theresa of Calcutta is number one, even over Padre Pio, because of her works of mercy but also her many decades in the dark night of the soul.

Four of the top ten are men; six women; no misogyny here! The men are all priests. Four of the women are religious; two lay. No lay men. My favorites did not make the cut: Charles de Focault, Miguel Pro, Brother Andre, Father Leopoldo. These are so humble they would not mind. 

How blessed are we who shared in this century with these miraculous brothers and sisters in the Mystical Body of Christ! 

Dear Reader! Did I miss anyone? Overrate or underrate? 

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