Monday, September 4, 2023

Very Small Part of a Very Great Thing: Catholic Life and the Football Team

The great thing about Catholic life is that you are a very small part of a very great thing.

You have a tiny role. But you are indispensable. No one...No one...No one can take your place. Your mission is unique. It is part of a spectacular Drama:  the salvation of humankind, of the cosmos, of every soul.

It is so relieving! You only have to do your part, play your role, mow your lawn, sweep your sidewalk, attend to your spouse, work your inventory, amend for your sins, welcome this specific stranger who walks randomly into you life. You are Catholic! You are not a social justice crusader tasked with ridding the world of inequality, racism, communism or global warming. 

Reassuring also is the conviction that whatever your specific task (throwing, running, blocking, tackling), you have exactly the skills required to perform that task well. You have been trained, prepared, are exactly the man to do that particular task!

I never liked football and do not watch the Super Bowl, but some of my grandsons are really into football. My son pointed out to me that it is arguably the most "Catholic" of sports because it is the least individualistic, the most communal. It is all about the team. Every player is important. Many of them are largely invisible except to the coach and the knowledgeable. Consider the offensive lineman: every block is crucial, but little celebrity is granted to the good blocker. 

My grandsons are not quarterbacks or receivers. They receive no accolades. But they are entirely in it to win it.... for the team. They LOVE being part of it. They don't need to stand out. They ambition to help the team. Their worst nightmare is to let down the team.

A previous essay (on masculinity as representation) cited Gil  Baile's recall of the young Bop Dylan's enchantment of being part of the passion play in the speechless role of a Roman soldier. He was almost invisible, but part of a stupendous performance. 

That is what is is like to be Catholic! 

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